Canada Day 2017

She was a big boned woman
kind of proud and tall
came up from the beach
in her bathing suit
when she heard the call
of the music
from the stands
and a particular song
with’a distinctive beat
brought her out
to dance
on the grass
in her flip flop shoes
to the cadence of
the piece.

Her once muscled arms
hung slack on her bones
and jiggled
to the music
and her breasts hung low
and plunged with the beat
and her hair tied back
in a pony tail an’
her neck arched proud as
she held to the rhythm
while the flesh on her thighs
to the music
and her feet kept time
and she thought of a tyme
that she danced this song
when her breasts were firm
and everyone watched
her move
to the music
to the rhythm
now the beat goes on
and it feels the same
as it did back when.

Then the music lulled
and the beat faded back
and stilled
to quiet
So she popped a smoke
in her false-toothed smile
and in-haled deep
cause she always liked
to smoke
and she had a thought
’bout it never ends
’cause the dance goes on
an’ the soul steps high
and the passage of time

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